As Christians, Christ calls us to giving as a form of worship. Whether it is our time, talents, or monetary gift.
“ Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7
Please click the donate button below and follow the simple instructions provided for you.
At TGBC, we offer 3 ways to give that are safe and secure.

1. Online: 
Giving online (PayPal) allows you to use a debt/credit card or bank account for a specific dollar amount; you also get to choose the frequency of this gift. Online giving is safe and secure option that allows families to remain faithful in their giving even when they are out of town or unable to attend.

2. By Mail:
Mail you donation to: Thorn Grove Baptist Church, 10200 Thorn Grove Pike, Strawberry Plains, TN 37871

3. In Person:
Simply place cash or checks in the offering plates during our Sunday morning worship, or come by the church office and drop off in person.

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Contact Information
10200 Thorn Grove Pike
Strawberry Plains, TN 37871 US
(865) 933-5771
Service Times
Sunday School - 9:30 am
Sunday - Worship - 10:45 am
Wednesday - 6:30 pm
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